Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Do you have all these ergonomic furniture?

Ergonomic furniture witnesses a constant evolution with new technologies and our needs. Ergonomics is the practice of making the furniture fit us people, not the other way around. Ergonomic furniture has to be comfortable, prevent injury and enhance working efficiency by its design. More and more furniture tends to be ergonomic, from ergonomic chairs, desks, computer equipment, etc.

ergonomic furniture

Then how many ergonomic furniture items do you have right now? If you find sitting at a desk or computer during most of the working day can be a pain, you may need to consider the use of furniture with ergonomic design. The poorly designed workstations may just worsen the pain in the back, neck or shoulders, though the pain is very common among office stuff. It is really necessary to equip your workplace with the ergonomic furniture items for reducing the amount of pain you experience. Here are some of the necessary ergonomic items we need to have.

ergonomic chair

Ergonomic Office Chair:

Ergonomic office chair is one of the most important furniture that we need, for we have to sit in the chair for many hours a day and poor chairs may just influence our comfort or even chronic conditions. Ergonomic chairs can give us extra support and they can offer enough cushioning to our lower back. The backrest of the ergonomic chair just allows us to sit at a comfy angle. Usually, ergonomic office chair can enhance productivity by at least 7% during the working day. Now ergonomic chairs come in various types and some are even designed to cater to specific health needs.

Ergonomic Desk:

Beside ergonomic chair, we still need a properly designed desk. The structure of office desk can affect the angle of our elbows, neck, wrists and influence the level of comfort when we are working by the desk. We need to get an ergonomic desk besides the ergonomic chair, which can place the monitor just in the line of our vision and make our wrists well supported. Just like ergonomic chair that can be adjusted to cater to different individual need, ergonomic desk also needs to be well adjusted for different body types.

Computer Mouse:

Computer mouse seems very trivial office furniture item, yet we have to use the mouse frequently and it needs to offer us comfort in hand. Ergonomic computer mouse can ensure our posture to be neutral while we use the computer. We can access the mouse very easily without twist or stress. Besides, ergonomic mouse has non slip surface for minimum tension in the arm when we try to secure hand placement on the mouse. Check out whether your mouse is ergonomic one. For better efficiency, an ergonomic mouse is necessary.

Ergonomic Computer Keyboard

Similar to ergonomic mouse, computer keyboard is the item that we has to frequently use for typing. For the most comfortable arm and wrist positioning, ergonomic keyboards are usually the ones with two pieces that can decrease the instance of chronic wrist pain. Ergonomic computer keyboards are not the ones that fit all. Instead, they are the keyboards that can be adjusted to meet different needs in posture or size.

1 comment:

  1. Ergonomic furtniture? That is new term to me, although you blog have information about it, need to read more about it. Thanks for sharing it.
