Monday, November 10, 2014

What is a good mesh chair supposed to be?

Mesh chairs are common chairs used in office. The chairs are especially cool ones during the hottest summer, which ensures maximum breathe-ability. For its better air permeability, the mesh chairs are widely chosen chairs in office in winter. Then what is the ideal mesh chair?

Mesh chairs for office staff need to be at least adjustable. There are hardly one size chair that fit all. The chairs need to be sized to fit different people or even adjustable to fit different working style. Besides, mesh chairs need to be as comfortable as possible because office staff have to sit on the chairs for very long time each working day. They come in all price ranges. But price does not always guarantee more comfort or to ensure the chairs can satisfy our needs.

Traditionally, mesh chairs do not distribute our body weight as a well-contoured seat with pad does. For those who have to sit in the chairs for more than six hours per day, mesh seat might not be the better choice. For those who just sit very few hours a day, it is nice choice. But now mesh chairs also come with ergonomic design. We can choose the ergonomic mesh chair of which our body fit into the mesh and not have to rest on the hard frame. Another concern about the mesh chair is the weight it can support. After all, most of the mesh seat chairs are not designed for those over 250 lbs.

There are other considerations for a good ergonomic mesh chairs. For example, we need to know whether the front of the seat edge soft or flexible enough so that the chair will not dig into our thighs when we recline. Besides, there are mesh chairs with mesh abrasive to our clothing. It could be nuisance when we find our pricey clothes just get torn by the mesh. The mesh chairs need to have good mesh. Most of the mesh chairs are now designed with paneled backs that offer great support and move with us for continuous support. The good lumbar support of ergonomic mesh chair is important, since long time sitting can easily cause pressure to our back. The shoulder area of the chair back should support our shoulders.

Affordable Mesh Ergonomic Chairs

The VIVA OFFICE green mesh ergonomic office chair, yes, I am recommending this chair because I find it affordable and good. The chair has excellent back support and good quality mesh fabric, preventing our body heat and moisture. The adjustable tilt tension and height allows the chair to better suit our body. The mesh seat and premium fabric upholstery to eliminates leg fatigue. The mesh chair is so well-loved not only for its fresh color, but also for its flexible adjustment. More importantly, it comes with the price of $139.00 & FREE Shipping.

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